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Business Orientation

Comit places great emphasis on business orientation. Comit tracks its engineering productivity avidly -- in terms of two productivity measures called NRPE (Net Revenue per Engeneer) and NBT (Non-Billable Time). By constantly
monitoring these two parameters, and by working with several customers at a time, it keeps its productivity high. On the part of the engineers, this requires the abilities to keep current a diverse set of skills and quickly switch context by project.

Comit Engineers must exhibit a strong sense of business, in terms of:

Financial & Corporate
nowing Comit's Revenue & Productivity goals, understanding why Financial Goals and Discipline are important, learning how to read Comit's Income Statement & Balance Sheet, appreciating Comit's ongoing performance with respect to the economy, industry and its stated missions and goals, articulating Comit's policies on business and people to customers, newcomers, and others.


  • coordinating resource allocation
  • producing status reports
  • maintaining logs of time spent on activities, for reporting and billing purposes

New Business

  • initiating new proposals
  • providing sales support
  • helping to negotiate, sign and deliver projects


  • monitoring human and system resources
  • assisting in screening, interviewing and training of new engineers for projects
  • upgrading systems, infrastructure on a pro-active basis



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